For the sixth time, the Nature Observation Marathon took place on 10-11 June as part of the ninth Nature Festival programme. Over 24 hours, nature lovers made more than 7,700 nature observations. All observations are public on the eBiodiversity Portal.
The sixth nationwide Nature Observation Marathon starts today at noon and runs 24 hours until noon on 11 June. The Nature Festival invites everyone to come and observe nature at observation points all over Estonia.
The Nature Festival is a nationwide celebration of nature. In addition to Tartu, the events of the Nature Festival will also reach Tallinn, Võru, Räpina and Lake Võrtsjärv, as well as the nature observation marathon sites across Estonia.
June is a month of celebration for the University of Tartu Botanical Garden, with many events dedicated to the 220th anniversary. The tours are free of charge.
The Nature Festival will take place from 7-11 June, with a programme inspired by wildlife in gardens, the Botanical Gardens' 220th anniversary and the Year of Mobility.
The University of Tartu Botanical Garden celebrates its 220th anniversary in June, when the garden is colourful and blooming. On 27 June, the celebrations continue with tree-planting and a concert by Lonitseera in the Botanical Garden’s alpine garden.
Kolmapäevast kuni pühapäevani toimub Loodusfestival Tartus, Tallinnas, Võrus, Räpinas, Võrtsjärve ääres ja tipneb loodusvaatluste maratoniga vaatlusaladel üle Eesti.