Vanemuise 46
51003 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa

University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden

Sergei Põlme
Acting Director
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
Kadri Põldmaa
Associate Professor in Mycology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 512 0743 (6173)
Marko Prous
Research Fellow in Biodiversity and Genomics
PhD (Zoology)
Vanemuise 46
Madis Kasemaa
Senior Specialist in Marketing and Communication
Vanemuise 46-249
Martin Vipp
Senior Specialist of Development projects 0.6 p
+372 5667 9409
Kätlin Koser
Administrative Manager
+372 737 6076
+372 5310 1604
Vanemuise 46-303
Sergei Põlme
Research Fellow in Biodiversity
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
Vanemuise 46-309

Botanical Collections

Kai Vellak
Head 0.5 p
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 524 6249 (6229)
Lai 40
Mari Müür
MSc (protection of biodiversity)
Kaili Orav
Curator 0.6 p
MSc (Plant and Fungal Sciences)

Geological Collections

Mare Isakar
Chief Treasurer
MSc (Geology)
+372 5310 1602
Vanemuise 46-232
Külli Kübar
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 737 5839
Vanemuise 46-232

Zoological Collections

Villu Soon
Research Fellow of Zoology
PhD (Zoology)
+372 5310 1601
Vanemuise 46-308
Mati Martin
Senior Specialist 0.4 p
cand (Biology)
Vanemuise 46-308
Olga Borodina
Specialist in Entomology 0.5 p
mag (Biology)
Vanemuise 46-107
Margus Ots
Senior Specialist in Ornithology (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p

Mycological Collections

Ave Suija
Associate Professor in Lichenology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemise 46-217
Irja Saar
Research Fellow in Mycology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemise 46-217
Irma Zettur
Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections 0.75 p
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
Vanemuise 46-216, 217
Ede Oja
Curator 0.5 p
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemuise 46-217
Marju Vahter
Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-216
Mari Müür
MSc (protection of biodiversity)
Vanemuise 46-217

Microbiological Collections

Irma Zettur
Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
Vanemuise 46-216, 217
Marju Vahter
Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-216

DNA and Environmental Sample Collections

Sergei Põlme
Director of Collections
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
J. Liivi 2-337

Research Group for Biological Informatics

Urmas Kõljalg
Professor in Mycology
PhD (Ecology)
+372 5341 2823 (6235)
J. Liivi 2-333
Kessy Abarenkov
Associate Professor in Biodiversity Informatics
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
J. Liivi 2-334
Kristjan Adojaan
Specialist in Biodiversity Informatics 0.6 p
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 730 1040
+372 503 9306
Vanemuise 46-304
Jüri Sild
Head of the Botanical Garden
MSc (Genetics)
+372 5608 0344 (6218)
Lai 38
Vilma Veldre
Administrator-information Specialist
+372 737 6180
Lai 38
Reet Mägi
mag (European Studies)
+372 504 0826 (6073)
Vanemuise 46-249
Aivo Tamm
Museum's Teacher
+372 511 1724 (3724)
Vanemuise 46-249
Kaarin Hein
Project manager
PhD (Animal Ecology)
+372 5693 2730
Lai 40
Külli Kalamees-Pani
Coordinator for Nature Education 0.8 p
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 534 25101 (3101)
Vanemuise 46-249
Piret Pungas-Kohv
Senior Specialist for Nature Education 0.25 p
PhD (Human Geography)
Inge Kukk
Senior Specialist 0.6 p
MA (History of Art)
Vanemuise 46
Tõnu Pani
Specialist 0.7 p
MSc (Geology and Mineralogy)
Vanemuise 46-249
Margit Hirv
Specialist for Nature Education
MSc (Botany and Mycology)
+372 523 9736 (7736)
Lai 40
Riste Keskpaik
Exhibition Curator 0.25 p
MSc (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Kersti Kihno
Nature Education Specialist
MSc (Geoecology)
Vanemuise 46
Kätlin Koser
Secretary-Information Specialist
+372 737 6076
+372 5310 1604
Vanemuise 46-303
Katrin Kolnes
Facility Supervisor-Information Specialist 0.85 p
+372 737 6077
Vanemuise 46
Mariia Bochkova
Guide 0.2 p
MSc (Human Geography and Regional Planning)
Vanemuise 46
Elen Metspalu
Specialist (employment contract suspended) 0.8 p
MSc (Zoology and Hydrobiology)