Index of Estonian Plant Names

The Index of Estonian Plant Names is maintained by the Botanical Terminology Committee of the Estonian Naturalists Society, consisting of Toomas Kukk, Urmas Laansoo, Ott Luuk, Sirje Mäearu, Peedu Saar, Sulev Savisaar and Kersti Tambets. The database has been funded by the Estonian Terminology Programme.

Users of The Index of Estonian Plant Names are asked to refer to the database as follows:
Index of Estonian Plant Names. Estonian Botanical Terminology Committee of the Estonian Naturalists Society [+ date of access].

The Index of Estonian Plant Names is in Estonian.

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Reports of errors in the Index of Estonian Plant Names, as well as questions and name suggestions are welcome:

Urmas Laansoo,
Urmas Laanaans,,
Sulev Savisaar,

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