University of Tartu Botanical Garden outdoor collections

Over a period spanning more than two centuries, the Botanical Garden in the heart of Tartu has been shaped into a wonderful sanctuary that is worth visiting in all seasons. From early spring to late autumn, open ground plant beds provide an enjoyable and a seasonally changing view. In winter, when the Garden is covered in snow, visitors can find shelter in the principal greenhouse where exotic tropical and desert plants grow.

Eleven open ground sections

In addition to the principal greenhouse and the Arboretum, the Botanical Garden currently has 11 open ground sections: Plant Systematics, Estonia's native plants, the Alpine Garden, the Rose Garden, the Perennial Garden, the Peony Garden, the Iris Garden, the Clematis Garden, the Heath Garden, the Moss Garden and the Herb Garden.

Taimesüstemaatika botaanikaaia avamaal

Plant Systematics

Eesti looduslikud taimed

Estonia's Native Plants



Alpiaed botaanikaaaias

Alpine Garden

Elulõngaaed botaanikaaias

Clematis Garden

Iiriseaed: iiris „Katharine Hodgkin“

Iris Garden

Kanarbik Calluna Vulgaris

Heath Garden

Pojengid botaanikaaias

Peony Garden

Püsikute aed

Perennials Garden

Ravimtaimeaed botaanikaaias

Herb Garden

Roosiaed botaanikaaias, roosid

Rose Garden


Moss Garden

Botaanikaaia avamaa kaart