The Estonian research infrastructures roadmap
„Natural History Archives And Information Network“ (NATARC),
Estonian Naturalists´ Society, and
Estonian Academy of Sciences
are pleased to invite to participate in a Symposium organized within the 1st Estonian Taxonomy Days
The Symposium will explore the theoretical challenges and practical examples of using PIDs. Are PIDs neccessary for the FAIR data and what data in biodiversity need PIDs? Implemented solutions of PIDs for the specimen and DNA-based taxon occurrence data are to be demonstrated.
14:30 Welcome
14.35 Persistent Identifiers of the Species: UNITE case - Urmas Kõljalg (University of Tartu)
15:00 Publishing PacBio sequence data in GBIF as taxon occurrences – Kai Ilves (University of Tartu)
15:30 GBIF and cryptic biodiversity: status and plans – Dmitry Schigel (GBIF)
15:55 Opening up natural history collections for science with persistent identifiers: polices, stakeholders and common goals Michelle Price (CETAF)
16:15 Coffee
16:35 Persistently identifying Digital Specimens in DiSSCo – Wouter Addink
17:00-18.00 The Symposium will end with a discussion on “What PID system(s) we need for the biodiversity data?“ led by Vince Smith
As part of the Symposium, there are poster presentations throughout the day. In the presentations both researchers and students are introducing the different taxa to be studied in Estonia. Poster presentations are held in English and in Estonian. The working language of the Symposium is English.
We ask You to register until 9 May 2019 here.
For more information please contact Sigrid Ots,