The first Tartu Nature Week invites all city dwellers to notice nature, value green urban environment and learn about biodiversity. The nature week takes place from 23 to 30 May and its highlight is the family day in the park of Tartu Environmental Education Centre.
During the week, nature and environmental organisations of Tartu county organise trips, lectures, exhibitions and other events. From Monday to Friday, birdsong mornings take place in Raadi, Supilinn, Annelinn, Toome hill and other places of natural beauty.
Nature lovers are welcome to discover the library of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society – the largest library in the Baltics specialised in natural sciences, with the rarest books dating back to the 16th century.
On Thursday, 28 May, everybody is welcome to take part in the nature-themed charity quiz at Tartu Environmental Education Centre (Lille 10). The participation fees will be used to improve the foraging streams of the black stork with the help of volunteers in autumn 2015.
On Friday, 29 May, environmental education specialists will gather at the conference Biodiversity in Nature Education to discuss how nature education supports the understanding of the connections of biodiversity and helps to put value in and safeguard biodiversity.
Tartu Nature Week will be concluded on 30 May by the family day in the park of Tartu Environmental Education Centre. At the family day, participants can try out nature apps, learn how to help frogs across the road, meet the mammoth, take part in a reuse workshop, see a nature film about Emajõgi and engage in many other interesting and educational activities.
See the programme of the Tartu Nature Week on (in Estonian).
Additional information: Veljo Runnel, Expert of the UT Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden, tel: +372 520 6108, email: