You are kindly asked not to feed bird or fishes that you see in the pond at the Botanical Gardens


You are kindly asked not to feed the waterfowl (mallards and gulls) that you see in the pond at the Botanical Gardens or any of the non-migratory birds (such as crows and pigeons) you encounter on the Gardens’ premises.

Feeding the birds through all seasons harms their health and alters behaviours characteristic of the species.

Bakery products such as white or black bread do not contain the necessary vitamins or micronutrients. This makes birds fed significant quantities of these less resistant to disease, dulls their migratory instincts and makes them easy targets to predators. Feeding birds human foods may also inhibit their breeding success or cause malformations.

The natural food of the mallards you see in the pond at the Gardens is very varied – it consists of seeds, plant parts and insects as well as of small invertebrates. 


Talvine loodus

Opening hours during Independence Day holidays

Tööd botaanikaaias

Renovations at the Botanical Garden

Tartu Ülikool, arvutikasutaja

Menu layout and search of the UT website have a new look