Fourth Estonian Taxonomy Day conference "Biodiversity in our gardens" on the programme of the Nature Festival

Loodusfestival toimub 7.–11. juunini.
Margot Sakson

The Fourth Taxonomy Day is dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the University of Tartu Botanical Garden and focuses on preserving the biodiversity of gardens.

The University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden and the NATARC Consortium are organising the conference "Biodiversity in our Gardens" on 9 June, from 11-15. The conference will be in Estonian and will take place in the auditorium of the Vanemuise 46 Study Building in Tartu. You can also participate online.

The conference's central theme is inspired by the richness of life in our gardens. Presentations will focus on the role of gardens, parks and botanic gardens in the conservation and distribution of species, the analysis of their biodiversity and data management in the PlutoF information system.

Speakers include Veljo Runnel (University of Tartu), Toomas Kukk (Estonian University of Life Sciences), Ebe-Kai Uibo (University of Tartu), Meelis Pärtel (University of Tartu), Tõnu Ploompuu (Tallinn University) and Mari Sild (Tallinn Botanical Garden).

11.00 opening remarks

11.10 Toomas Kukk (Estonian University of Life Sciences) "The uniqueness of the Estonian vegetation and horticulture reduces biodiversity"

11.40 Meelis Pärtel (University of Tartu) "A glimpse into the taxonomy of plants in Estonia."

12.10 Ebe-Kai Uibo (University of Tartu) "Creation of the Index Seminum of the University of Tartu Botanical Garden using PlutoF".

12.30 coffee break

13.00 Veljo Runnel (University of Tartu) "Private gardens and biodiversity."

13.30 Mari Sild (Tallinn Botanical Garden) "Beauty and Biodiversity in Tallinn Botanical Garden".

14.00 Tõnu Ploompuu (Tallinn University) "The flora of Tallinn's gardens: 25 years ago and an assessment of the present. And what does it mean?"

The fourth Estonian Taxonomy Day conference, "Biodiversity in our Gardens", is part of the Nature Festival programme. The main organiser of the Nature Festival, which will take place from 7-11 June, is the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden. The Nature Festival is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 programme. The Environmental Investment Centre and Tartu 2024 support it.

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