Mycological collections

Mycological collections of the University of Tartu, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden maintain dried fungi and lichens. Internationally, the collections are known by the acronym TUF – Fungarium Universitatis Tartuensis.

Most of the material has been collected during scientific expeditions or deposited as vouchers from various research projects by scientists from the University of Tartu. The largest and the most unique part of the collection originates from Estonia, whereas the rest originates from areas all around the world. The collections also include donations by foreign and amateur researchers. More than 3000 specimens are added to the mycological collections every year.

The collections are actively used both by Estonian and foreign scientists for taxonomic and conservation studies, for compiling regional checklists, etc.

Of the 122 974 specimens, there are about 90 000 lichens and about 33 000 fungi: among these, there are 229 type specimens, of which 49 are holotypes.

Inquiries about specimens can be made at the eElurikkus portal.

In addition to fungi and lichens, the mycological collections also hold field diaries and notes of researchers, as well as maps used during their expeditions. There are also drawings, watercolours of mushrooms and life-size mushroom models made by amateur mycologist Nikolai Witkowsky (1868–1948).

  1. Collection of dried fungi

  2. Collection of dried lichens

The mycological collections of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden are open to all researchers, enthusiasts, students and anyone interested in research and teaching. When working with the collections, please follow the instructions for working with the collections to ensure that the preserved materials are maintained for future research.

Staff of the mycological collections

Associate Professor in Lichenology Ave Suija

Research Fellow in Mycology Irja Saar

Curator Irma Zettur

Curator Mari Müür

Curator Ede Oja

See the Annual Activity Report 2020. The report is in Estonian.

The oldest specimens in the mycological collections date back to the 1860s when a schoolteacher and amateur lichenologist and bryologist Andreas Bruttan (1829–1893) studied lichens. specimens from Paul Wasmuth, Konstantin Mereschkowsky and Veli Räsänen were deposited in the first half of the 20th century. Here we also hold materials of the first Estonian lichenologist Hilja Lippmaa and her husband, Theodor Lippmaa, mainly from the 1930s. A significant part of the collection is made up of specimens collected by Prof. Hans Trass (1928-2017), his colleagues and students from the scientific expeditions to the former USSR (Far East, surroundings of Lake Baikal, Kuril Islands, Central Asia and elsewhere). The collection of dried fungi is younger, established at the beginning of the 2000s. Since then, the collection has expanded rapidly, with specimens originating from Estonia as well as from all over the world. The collections of fungi and lichens were brought together under one roof only at the beginning of 2022 when the rooms in the historic building of the Natural History Museum at Vanemuise Street 46 were renovated. Until then, the mycological collections were housed in different buildings of the University.

Mycological collections in the ETIS database

Visit the website

Mycological collections in the eBiodiversity database

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