Külli Kalamees-Pani

Family Day "The fascinating world of fish"

The University of Tartu Natural History welcomes families on 15 April from 11 am to 3.30 pm for a Family Day, "The fascinating world of Fish."

During Family Day, we will learn about fish: their diet, migration, and spawning. We will learn about fish, their diet, feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding, and learning about fish. 

During the day, there will be activities in the geology workshop, where we will look at ancient fish fossils. In the craft workshop, everyone can craft their fish. In the pets workshop, at 11.30 am and 1.30 pm, we will meet the animals of the Natural History Museum such as iguanas, turtles, and fish. 

"The fascinating world of Fish" will take place on 15 April from 11 am to 3.30 pm at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum—participation with a museum ticket.

The Environmental Investment Centre supports Family Day.

The event is in Estonian.


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