In April 2025, we will open the exhibition "A climate you can touch. What will become of us?". The exhibition will be on display at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum until November 2025, after which it will travel as a travelling exhibition.
Sügise hakul tähistame traditsioonilist seenenädalat, mis toimub 12.–14. septembrini. Taas kord avastame seente salapärast maailma seeneretkel ja värvikireval seenenäitusel.
Which tracks do animals leave in the forest and how can you recognise them? What do moose, beavers or picus eat? The University of Tartu Natural History Museum invites you to Family Day!
The Nature Festival is a nation-wide event in June. The Nature Festival is organised by the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden in cooperation with partners.