Representatives of the University of Tartu Museums elected to the Board of the ICOM Estonia National Committee

Botaanikaaia alpinaariumi rohelus
Silvia Luik

Reet Mägi, Jaanika Anderson and Külli Lupkin will be ICOM Estonia National Committee members for the next three years.

ICOM Estonia elected new members of the Board for 2023-2026 at its General Assembly on 2 June. ICOM is the International Council of Museums, which comprises over 20 000 museums and nearly 40 000 individual members from 119 countries and regions. The ICOM Estonian National Committee has 228 individual members from various museums and 12 museums as institutional members.

From the museums of the University of Tartu, Jaanika Anderson, Research Director of the University of Tartu Museum, Külli Lupkin, Head of the Communications Department of the University of Tartu Museum, and Reet Mägi, Head of the Department of Exhibitions and Nature Education of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden were elected to the new Board.

According to Reet Mägi, being part of the ICOM Estonia international museum community is essential. "I was brought to the organisation by the environmental working group established by the previous board and the creation of the Green Museum programme. The opportunities for museums to contribute and act environmentally friendly will continue to attract my attention," said Mägi.

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