Nature poetry reading evening with Mikk Tšaškin takes place in Christmas City Tartu

Loodusluuleõhtu - Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseum
Mikk Tšaškin

On Wednesday 21 December, a nature poetry evening will take place with young poet Mikk Tšaškin, who will perform nature poetry at Tartu Town Hall Square.

The nature poetry evening will be a cosy meeting with the literary artist. In December, poet Mikk Tšaškin will take to the stage.

This time, the poetry evening is organised in collaboration with Christmas City Tartu. In the first half of the event, Mikk Tšaškkin will perform his poetry, and in the second half of the evening, the more brave will be able to perform their own compositions. Everyone is welcome to attend the nature poetry evening.

Mikk Tšaškin writes poetry, short stories and short plays.

I really like to experiment and write in a different way. I am strongly influenced by surrealism and modernist literature in general.

Poet Mikk Tšaškin

A nature poetry evening with Mikk Tšaškin will take place on 21 December at 18:00 at the Town Hall Square under the Christmas lights of Christmas City. Taking part is free of charge. Event is in Estonian.

The evening is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

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