Exhibition "THE WORLD IN A RUCKSACK. 100 Years of Natural Science Expeditions"

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Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseum ja botaanikaaed

The University of Tartu Natural History Museum's exhibition "THE WORLD IN A RUCKSACK. 100 Years of Natural Science Expeditions" is dedicated to the centenary of the national university. The exhibition opened at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum on 27 November 2019 and remained open until 26 April 2020. Previously, the exhibition was on display at the Tallinn Zoo Environmental Education Centre from 26 April to 30 October 2019. The exhibition was part of the "100 Years of the National University".

The world is worth discovering more than once.

Mr Lennart Meri, President

The words of President Lennart Meri are the motto of an exhibition organised by the University of Tartu Natural History Museum, which gives an overview of the developments in Estonian natural history over the past century as seen through expeditions. The exhibition focuses on the fields of geology, zoology, botany and mycology, with material brought back from expeditions stored in scientific collections for further study.

The exhibition will give an overview of the development of Estonian natural history over the last 100 years as seen through the natural history expeditions. Through the stories selected for the exhibition, you will see how ideas for the conservation of species richness and the natural environment are evolving with the help of the materials and knowledge collected on expeditions.

Archival images and historical photographs bring the spirit of different eras to the visitor's mind. The exhibition also offered activities for young nature lovers, who could climb into a tent and try out how heavy a scientist's backpack is.

The exhibition is curated by Inge Kukk and Andro Truuverk, designed by Silver Vahtre and Margot Sakson. The multimedia solutions were created by Allan Zirk, Marko Peterson and Timo Piirmann. Mare Isakar, Urmas Kõljalg, Kadri Pärtel, Ülle Reier, Villu Soon, Ave Suija, Kai Vellak contributed as experts. The exhibition was produced by Salibar. The exhibition was supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Online exhibition

When the 100th anniversary of the National University was celebrated in 2019, the University of Tartu Natural History Museum opened this exhibition dedicated to this great event. On the eBiodiversity web exhibition page "THE WORLD IN A RUCKSACK. 100 Years of Natural Science Expeditions" you can find interactive digital maps, exciting expeditions, specimens and a selection of key natural history figures.

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