Poet Hanneleele Kaldmaa will perform at the February Nature Poetry Night

Üritused Tartus - Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseum ja botaanikaaed
Karoliina Kagovere

Nature poetry night is an atmospheric meeting with a writer who will perform nature poetry written by themselves. In the first half of the event, the writer will perform, and in the second half, the more courageous will be able to perform and share their compositions on the stage. Admission is 3 euros, including a cup of tea and biscuits.

Hanneleele Kaldmaa is a writer and artist. She has been awarded the literary prize "First Step" (2015) and the Värske Rõhk annual prize in the poetry category (2016) for her work to date. Hanneleele's first poetry collection, "Oliver," was published in 2017 and among the Betti Alver Debut Prize nominees. Last autumn, she published her second book, "You too can become a fossil," much of which was written while she was studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Tartu and is about fungi and fossils, memory, and myths.

Nature poetry night with Hanneleele Kaldmaa will take place on 18 January at 6 p.m. in the seminar area of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum. Ticket 3 euros.

The Cultural Endowment of Estonia supports poetry nights.

Nature poetry nights are in Estonian.

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