Topic: cooperation

Designer Liina Lember introduces the life of moths at the Nature Festival
In the framework of the Nature Festival, designer and artist Liina Lember will organise nightly workshops and set up installations.
Nature photographer Urmas Tartes organises a workshop during Nature Festival
On Thursday, 8 June, at 4 pm, the University of Tartu Botanical Garden will host a nature photography workshop led by Urmas Tartes.
Clay heads, sea urchins, seals and porcelain girls hidden among the greenery in the Botanical Garden
On 12 April, the ceramics exhibition "Ex terra. Hortus luteus" opened at the Botanical Garden, featuring ceramic works of art made mainly by wood-firing. The exhibition will remain open until 31 May.
14. April 2023 cooperationculture
The eighth edition of the Wild City photo competition begins
This is the eighth edition of the Wild City photo competition, part of the Nature Festival programme. The 2023 Nature Festival will focus on public and private gardens.
06. April 2023 cooperationculture
Nature Talks "The environmental impact of the textile industry: can the throwaway culture be stopped?"
Designer Reet Aus will discuss the textile industry's environmental impact at the Nature Talks at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum.
Does nature matter to you? Become a co-organiser of the Nature Festival
The ninth annual Nature Festival focuses on the beauty and wildlife of gardens. It will take place from 7 to 11 June. Proposals from co-organisers are accepted until 31 March.
20. March 2023 cooperationculture
Poet Hanneleele Kaldmaa will perform at the February Nature Poetry Night
Writer Hanneleele Kaldmaa will read nature poetry on Wednesday, 22nd February.
15. February 2023 cooperationculture
"A Blossom for Every Day" exhibition at the Botanical Garden features paintings by artist Ülle Järve
For a month and a half from Valentine's Day, 14 February to 31 March, the Botanical Garden will host a painting exhibition of flowers by artist Ülle Järve.
14. February 2023 cooperationculture
Programmes in cooperation with the Vanemuine Theatre and the Yellow Cats invite children's groups to participate
The UT Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden's popular educational programmes in cooperation with the Vanemuine Theatre and the Yellow Cats take place in February, March and April.
07. February 2023 studentscooperation
Nature Talks "What are the tree crosses of forests and what role do they play in nature conservation today?"
At the February Nature Talks at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum, Marju Kõivupuu will talk about tree crosses of forests, their origins and characteristics.
02. February 2023 cooperationcultureresearch